The weather is doing its worst, the nights have drawn in and the shortest day of the year looms on December 22nd’s winter solstice. Many of us are busy Christmas shopping and frantically preparing the house for guests and feasting and nothing is more appealing right now than to hibernate under a warm blanket with the heating on full blast…but, may I encourage you NOT to give up on your fitness routines!
We need to stay fit and healthy physically, and counter those extra calories consumed in colder weather, from heavy winter food and extra indulgences during the festive season.
It’s also important for our minds as well as our body’s to have that crucial time out, too mentally recalibrate away from all the fuss. Plus January may feel that much more gloomy if all your hard work over the last few months unravels, just from having a December hiatus. You may find yourself right back at ground zero, starting from near scratch again – and it’s easily done! So if you often find yourself in this ‘stop / start’ cycle around the end of the year, why not try a different approach and continue to commit to your ongoing schedule.
If you’re not already on a regular fitness and wellbeing routine and you have the very noble plan to get it going in January 2020, perhaps as one of your ‘New Year Resolutions’, may I submit for your consideration the questions – why wait?? Why not start now – while the intention iron is hot?!
You’ll be so glad you did, as you go into the new year and new decade having already smashed the initial pain barrier and who know’s, maybe a more unconventional approach will take away some of the (self imposed) pressure and you might just find you stick to it this time.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy fitness!
– This article has been published in the December edition of Life Magazines –