Warning: This article contains positive quotations, motivational cliches and a lot of exclamation marks!
Happy New Year Life magazine readers!
So what are your New Years resolutions? Same as last year? To tone up, lose weight & get fitter?…thought so!
Well let’s not ponder a minute longer, we’re really gonna do it this year – starting right now!
New Year, New You, right? Unfortunately that new you isn’t suddenly going to appear overnight, we all know it’s going to take some work. Especially if you’ve let yourself go a bit lately, but you’ve got to start somewhere, so your most important and profound change right now is simply to quit the inertia, to stop the procrastination, end the excuses and get going. The only way to heal that paralysis of motivation is to DO SOMETHING – ANYTHING!
There’s no use waiting till the middle of January or even February to begin, 2018 started on the 1st of January, so you’ve already lost one day if you’re reading this on the 2nd!
Make every day count!
You’ve probably heard the wise words of Lao Tzu saying “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” well if you haven’t been counting your steps with your Fitbit for a while and not done much in the fitness department generally then it’s time to take that first step literally, and go outside for a walk. Let the fresh air blow the cobwebs of apathy away and if it’s cold out there that’s even better as your body has to works harder to keep warm, giving you more calorie burning potential!
While you’re out there set some fitness goals, think about what you’d like to do, what you want to achieve and when you get back home start putting pen to paper. It is proven that goals are more likely to be successful if you write them down in your own handwriting. Now you know what you’ve got to do, procrastinate no longer!
– This article has been published in the January edition of Life Magazines – http://www.lifemagazines.co.uk